What is the role of the staff?
Staff oversee and facilitate programme planning and evaluation processes to make sure that CISV’s educational principles and Village goals are met and upheld (e.g., facilitating and planning the leaders’ planning weekend in the Village, running effective camp meetings, helping the leader group plan and evaluate activities) . Their practical responsibilities include: be able to deal with problems in a discreet and responsible manner; manage all in-programme practical responsibilities (e.g., review and safely store forms, insurance, securely store passports and money, manage food and kitchen, organize site (set up, cleaning, safety); organize excursions; home-stay weekends; leader’s weekend; camp shop and finances; first aid; incident reports; email/letters and communication with home, etc.)
Staff liaise with local Chapter and organizing committee and know who to contact in case of a problem or emergency. They coordinate and liaise with JCs – facilitate communication, connection, and ‘group feeling’ for constructive group work. They coordinate and liaise with leaders – help with particular delegate/delegation issues, facilitate communication, connection and ‘group feeling’ for constructive group work. They communicate with national Village coordinator and regional delivery Team for Educational programmes