Subscription 2019

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To be member of CISV Belgium, you have to subscribe through this form first. Please fill in the required field and your submission will be send to us.

Here you can also subscribe for programs in 2019.

The chapters of CISV Belgium (CISV België (NL) and CISV Belgique (FR)) apply a membership by family. There are 3 types of membership.

Family membership
Individual membership
Support membership
2 kids + 2 parents or whatever combination
+18 years old or one parent family
80 €
50 €
100 €

A family is all members living under the same roof (same address).

* = mandatory field

I want to*

 apply for an activity in 2019 and become a member in 2018-2019
 only become a member in 2018-2019
 become a support member in 2018-2019


 Parent 1/Single member* 
 Parent 2 
 Child 1 
 Family correspondence e-mail address* 


* 1 and only 1 mother tongue is required (for administrative raisons)

 Parent 1/Single member  


 Family address* 


These subscription possibilities are based on our request to CISV International. Small differences might occur later.

 Parent 1/Single member  

 wants to participate in 

Selection procedure and financial arrangements

I acknowledge that according to the procedure described below, CISV participants are selected, and I accepted the decisions regarding this selection taken by CISV Belgium.

Selection procedure

CISV Belgium gets a limited number of invitations from the International Office. Every age has its specific needs and characteristics. CISV has a pedagogical project for every age. Unfortunately we don't always get invitations for all ages.

The managers of the Association reserve the right to allow or deny a participant for an activity. This decision is taken on the basis of the criteria described by CISV International (info file R-5 and R-6 (9008)). These documents are available on the website of CISV ( Thereafter we apply the following selection criteria :
- Motivation,
- Be present at the activities,
- Age,
- Maturity,
- Involvement in CISV (from parents as well)
If the number of candidates for a certain group (gender/age) is larger than the number of places, you will be informed in time how we will apply the selection procedure.


Before a candidacy is accepted, the candidate or his parents will have to pay the membership fee. Further information will be sent by subscription confirmation mail.
Due to administrative reasons we ask a deposit of 150 euros for each participant as well, on 31/12/2018 the latest, before a candidacy is accepted. The deposit is repaid if the activity is cancelled, his/her candidature is not withheld or the candidacy is withdrawn BEFORE 1 March 2019.
Leader and staff functions are free of charge.


IMPORTANT: Belgium has 2 chapters, CISV België (NL) and CISV Belgique (FR).

Ik wens aan te sluiten bij CISV België en zal het lidgeld storten op de rekening van CISV België BE13 7360 2839 9139 - BIC: KREDBEBB.
Je joins le CISV Belgique et je verserai la cotisation sur le compte du CISV Belgique BE60 3100 8304 0170 - BIC: BBRUBEBB.

CISV Belgium manages the participation fees

All communication must clearly indicate the name of the members/candidates.


Photographs and videos taken during CISV activities may be used freely for the CISV communication tools, whether digital or printed: internet site, blog, CISV social media, brochures, etc. provided that this use is limited to illustrate or promote the CISV activities and/or organization. If you do not wish to be portrayed or that your child is portrayed in such communication tools, please uncheck below if you disagree.
Yes, I agree.




declare to have taken knowledge of the selection process and the payment lines, and connect me to keep me to this. I confirm also that the completed information is correct.

Note: All personal data of this form will only be used by CISV Belgium (and local chapters) for CISV purpose only.

After submitting, after a few seconds, you will get a confirmation page. If not, we haven't got your application, please retry!